ASHRAE Region IX 2021 CRC at Cheyenne Mountain Resort!
May Lunch Meeting Commissioning
April ASHRAE Lunch Meeting: Off-Site Prefabrication
March 9th ASHRAE Tech Tour- CC Robson Arena

Pay Online: https://pikespeakashrae.com/shop/
Then Sign Up for RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C49A8A629A4FFC61-ashrae
February 9 2021 ASHRAE Meeting -Specifying Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems
Nov 2020 Lunch Meeting PPRBD
Save the date! A crowd favorite returns to ASHRAE!
PPRBD will present their annual round table discussion at Pikes Peak ASHRAE on Nov 10. This will be an opportunity to hear about how to best navigate PPRBD under COVID conditions, and you could probably talk them into answering your questions about any code topics or plan review best practices that interest you. While our guest speakers will appear via Teams, this will be a live discussion and they will be available for Q&A.
Please see the attached flyer for more details, but here are a few nuggets:
11:30a – arrival, nametags, food is available; can jump in via Teams for virtual attendees
11:45a – announcements and welcome
11:55a – start presentation by our featured speakers, virtually via Teams (Teams invite will be sent separately, soon)
1:00p – dismiss
We are looking forward to getting together.
Please RSVP prior to the deadline, or you may go hungry!

2020-2021 CTTC Schedule
October: Distinguished Lecturer Dr Torcellini “Creating a World of Zero Energy Buildings”
November: PPRBD Roundtable
December: Pikes Peak ASHRAE Christmas Party
January: TBD
February: Distinguished Lecturer (Engineer’s Week)
March: Refrigeration Tour
April: TBD
May: RetroCommissioning
October 2020 ASHRAE Meeting
Creating a World of Zero Energy Buildings by ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Paul Torcellini from NREL
Tuesday October 13
Virtual speaker, but LIVE AND IN PERSON colleagues! With social
distancing in place and appropriate use of masks.
New this month: You may also attend virtually via Microsoft Teams.
11:30am-1:00 pm
Chik Fil A catered lunch starts at 11:30a; presentation starts at noon
* LOCATION* Fellowship of the Rockies Church
1625 S 8th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80905

2020-2021 Pikes Peak ASHRAE-Covid19 Edition
(8) Chapter Meetings with both socially distanced in-person option AND virtual option.
Our first “face to face” meeting since February, is coming right up… Tuesday September 8. 11:30 1:00 at Fellowship of the Rockies Church, 1625 S. 8th Street CS, 80905. Plenty of parking and easy access!
Our yearly golf event that we would normally hold in September, has officially been postponed until the Spring. We are now targeting Friday, May 21, 2021. With all of the virus issues and from the results from our survey, this just seemed like the wisest course of action. We do look forward to putting together a great event in May, so please mark your calendars for this outing!