PPRBD Meeting (Via Teams)
Expected Discussion:
• Elevator issues – frequent design misses, lesser known requirements, things that are different
in this jurisdiction compared to others.
• Top 5 or 10 plan review items that get missed that designers/engineers should be aware of.
• Design items where specific code references must called out on drawings.
• Top 5 or 10 inspection fails to look out for that could potentially be addressed/documented
during design and put on the drawings to avoid a problem during inspection.
• Update on the new PPRBD north office location – what operations can occur up there vs. the
main location? Key things to know?
• PPRBD plan review stats: # permit applications/day, current estimated review times, etc.
• Building trends in the region – which sectors seem to be growing the most and least.
• YOUR live questions! Bring ‘em – we will have the experts in the house!
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