I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. As summer winds down, more opportunities for local ASHRAE events are popping up. We had a happy hour event last month at Red Leg. Our next technical presentation with lunch is on August 18th. The flyer is here – Register here: https://pikespeakashrae.com/shop/
The board of governors voted to increase annual chapter dues earlier this year to $70. If you haven’t paid your chapter dues when renewing your ASHRAE society membership, we may be reaching out to you soon as a reminder for this. You can pay them when renewing your ASHRAE membership, on our Pikes Peak website or at a monthly lunch meeting. https://pikespeakashrae.com/shop/
Several local members attended the Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) in Park City, Utah with the 12 other chapters in Region IX, so many – in fact – our Pikes Peak chapter won the member-mile award (most miles traveled by a chapter’s members to the CRC). You may see this trophy at our upcoming meetings. Mark Penchoff, past chapter president and now the regional vice-chair for membership promotion was awarded the chapter service award of merit. Mike Van Den Heuvel, past chapter president, was also awarded the chapter service award of merit. And the Selfless Service award was presented to Corey Chinn, another – most recent – past chapter president. There were dozens of technical presentations – including one given by Corey Chinn on a recent geothermal case study project. We also had some time for fun, watching some Olympians perform at Olympic Park. A big thank you to all who donate & volunteer with ASHRAE – both past and present.
In addition to the monthly technical lunches, more local social events will be planned soon. Please take advantage of your ASHRAE membership and let me know if you have questions or feedback for improvement.
Mike Filler, PE