2022 ASHRAE Golf Tournament

Hole Sponsorships ($250/$500) are tax deductible! All proceeds go to ASHRAE Research Promotion and Chapter Operations. Sign up on the website (link below) or mail check payable to:
“Pikes Peak ASHRAE”
**Check should have your name, company, contact information.
Please mail checks to:
Farnsworth Group
5775 Mark Dabling Boulevard, Suite 190
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Get your tickets and sponsorships here!

January 20, 2022 ASHRAE Meeting

PPRBD Meeting (Via Teams)

Expected Discussion:

• Elevator issues – frequent design misses, lesser known requirements, things that are different
in this jurisdiction compared to others.
• Top 5 or 10 plan review items that get missed that designers/engineers should be aware of.
• Design items where specific code references must called out on drawings.
• Top 5 or 10 inspection fails to look out for that could potentially be addressed/documented
during design and put on the drawings to avoid a problem during inspection.
• Update on the new PPRBD north office location – what operations can occur up there vs. the
main location? Key things to know?
• PPRBD plan review stats: # permit applications/day, current estimated review times, etc.
• Building trends in the region – which sectors seem to be growing the most and least.
• YOUR live questions! Bring ‘em – we will have the experts in the house!

Purchase through: www.pikespeakashrae.com/shop

Pikes Peak ASHRAE Christmas Dinner

Pikes Peak ASHRAE  Invites you and your guest to our Annual Christmas Party. 
Please Join us on December 2nd 2021 ! 
Social Hour 6 to 7 pm 
Dinner 7 PM 
ASHRAE will provide the main course if you could please bring an item to share and also your favorite beverage. 
This year it will be held at the Camfil Office located at  
870 Elkton Drive Suite 106 
Colorado Springs, CO  80907 
Please RSVP by November 19th, 2021 
[email protected]