Newsletter – November 2022

Where has the year gone!  Thanksgiving is only a week away now.  Our next technical presentation is tomorrow (November 17th) with lunch at a new location – Trinity Brewing Company.  I hope you can join and let us know what you think of this alternative meeting location.  Please bring a guest – for free – to this meeting being led by an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer (and winner of the 2018 ASHRAE E.K. Campbell Teaching Award) – Professor Julia Keen.  The flyer is attached, and you can RSVP for the meeting by sending an email to [email protected] and please pay for your ticket (bring a guest for free) at:

We had a great turnout during last month’s tour of the mechanical systems of the Field House at the US Air Force Academy.  A special thank you to the team at Schendt Engineering for hosting the visit, explaining the design process, and answering so many questions.  It was an impressive experience!  A few pictures from the tour are below.

Last, but not least is the social aspect.  We work hard in this industry, and it’s great to spend some time with others outside of work.  The ASHRAE Christmas Party is coming up on December 8th – More details are in the attached flyer.  Please consider bringing a spouse, significant other AND/OR inviting a guest who isn’t a member of ASHRAE.  Please RSVP for the Christmas Party to myself or Elaine Gutierrez – [email protected]   There is no fee for this event, and we’re also not charging guests of ASHRAE members during this month’s and January’s lunch presentations.


Mike Filler, PE

[email protected]


Newsletter – August 2022

I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer.  As summer winds down, more opportunities for local ASHRAE events are popping up.  We had a happy hour event last month at Red Leg.  Our next technical presentation with lunch is on August 18th.  The flyer is here – Register here:

The board of governors voted to increase annual chapter dues earlier this year to $70.  If you haven’t paid your chapter dues when renewing your ASHRAE society membership, we may be reaching out to you soon as a reminder for this.  You can pay them when renewing your ASHRAE membership, on our Pikes Peak website or at a monthly lunch meeting.

Several local members attended the Chapters Regional Conference (CRC) in Park City, Utah with the 12 other chapters in Region IX, so many – in fact – our Pikes Peak chapter won the member-mile award (most miles traveled by a chapter’s members to the CRC).  You may see this trophy at our upcoming meetings.  Mark Penchoff, past chapter president and now the regional vice-chair for membership promotion was awarded the chapter service award of merit.  Mike Van Den Heuvel, past chapter president, was also awarded the chapter service award of merit.  And the Selfless Service award was presented to Corey Chinn, another – most recent – past chapter president.  There were dozens of technical presentations – including one given by Corey Chinn on a recent geothermal case study project.  We also had some time for fun, watching some Olympians perform at Olympic Park.  A big thank you to all who donate & volunteer with ASHRAE – both past and present.

In addition to the monthly technical lunches, more local social events will be planned soon.  Please take advantage of your ASHRAE membership and let me know if you have questions or feedback for improvement.


Mike Filler, PE

[email protected]


2022 Membership Promotion Kickoff

 No R.S.V.P. required, just show up if you can! 5 o’clock somewhere.

Comedy event on the roof from 7-9pm, doors at 6:00pm.

$10 tickets includes a pint.

First 10 R.S.V.P.’s to text me or email me, Dane at (719) 257-2015 [email protected] get a ticket and a pint on me. 

Purchase tickets directly here:

Comedy event details here:

Join us for a night of laughs and delicious beer! The show will be headlined by Zac Maas featuring Hannah Jones, Jonathan Berry & more! The evening will be hosted by their very own talented comedian, Melody Klema!
Tickets are required for the comedy show, however, feel free to just drop by to see some old and new friends.

*This is not an official event and is not sponsored by Schendt Engineering Corp., Red Leg Brewing, or Comedian on the Roof: Summer Sunset Series.  By attending, observing, or participating in the Activity, you acknowledge and assume all risks and dangers associated with your participation and/or attendance at the Activity.

PPRBD Code Update Announcement

A message from PPRBD:

The first draft of the new 2023 Pikes Peak Regional Building Code is now available as of July 1st. That is also opening day for the first round of Public Comment which will last two months. There will be a very obvious button on the PPRBD website for public comment. It is really important that you review the proposed amendments to the new codes and give us your feedback. Please provide constructive comments and any suggestions you might have. Comments like, “I don’t like it” or “don’t do it” will not be helpful. 

This will be a very lengthy process so I’ve included an estimated schedule for the code change.

Code Development Schedule

TopicStart DateEnd DateStatus
First Round Public CommentJuly 1, 2022August 31, 2022In Progress
Code Reconciliation and Board of Review work sessionSeptember 1, 2022September 30, 2022TBD
Second Round Public CommentOctober 1, 2022October 31, 2022TBD
Code reconciliation of final 2023 PPRBC DraftNovember 1, 2022November 15, 2022TBD
Board of Review/Building Commission work sessions on final 2023 PPRBC DraftNovember 16, 2022December 31, 2022TBD
Board of Review approvalDecember, 2022December, 2022TBD
Building Commission approvalDecember, 2022December, 2022TBD
Jurisdictional approvalTBD, 2023TBD, 2023TBD

The most important date is July 1, 2023. That is the deadline for when we must have a new code adopted and enforced. If we don’t beat that deadline, the new energy code bill that passed the legislature earlier this year will force us to adopt the latest energy code (2021 IECC), which will be significantly more restrictive and will make it more expensive to build. Please help us beat this deadline by getting your feedback to us early.

2022 ASHRAE Golf Tournament

Hole Sponsorships ($250/$500) are tax deductible! All proceeds go to ASHRAE Research Promotion and Chapter Operations. Sign up on the website (link below) or mail check payable to:
“Pikes Peak ASHRAE”
**Check should have your name, company, contact information.
Please mail checks to:
Farnsworth Group
5775 Mark Dabling Boulevard, Suite 190
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Get your tickets and sponsorships here!