Where has the year gone! Thanksgiving is only a week away now. Our next technical presentation is tomorrow (November 17th) with lunch at a new location – Trinity Brewing Company. I hope you can join and let us know what you think of this alternative meeting location. Please bring a guest – for free – to this meeting being led by an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer (and winner of the 2018 ASHRAE E.K. Campbell Teaching Award) – Professor Julia Keen. The flyer is attached, and you can RSVP for the meeting by sending an email to [email protected] and please pay for your ticket (bring a guest for free) at: https://pikespeakashrae.com/shop/
We had a great turnout during last month’s tour of the mechanical systems of the Field House at the US Air Force Academy. A special thank you to the team at Schendt Engineering for hosting the visit, explaining the design process, and answering so many questions. It was an impressive experience! A few pictures from the tour are below.
Last, but not least is the social aspect. We work hard in this industry, and it’s great to spend some time with others outside of work. The ASHRAE Christmas Party is coming up on December 8th – More details are in the attached flyer. Please consider bringing a spouse, significant other AND/OR inviting a guest who isn’t a member of ASHRAE. Please RSVP for the Christmas Party to myself or Elaine Gutierrez – [email protected] There is no fee for this event, and we’re also not charging guests of ASHRAE members during this month’s and January’s lunch presentations.

Mike Filler, PE